Navigating the Music Business: Mapping Out A Living

So how hard is it to make a living in the music business? The music industry is complex and James Hogg has tips on how to navigate it. On Music. Continue reading

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MTT Weekly Recap: The Right Mindframe For Acquiring Fans

Where The Music Industry Thinks Out Loud Cecili Simmons: Make Practice Perfect Rob Dix: Band merch 101: What to make, how to make it, how to sell it MORE:

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Make Practice Perfect

If you have ever had to learn anything or have ever participated in sports, you have probably heard the phrase “Practice makes perfect”. On Music Think Tank, Cecili Simmons discusses. Continue reading

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MTT Weekly Recap: What Indie Bands Can Learn From Rebecca Black

Where The Music Industry Thinks Out Loud Dmitri Vietze: How Middle Class Musicians Navigate the Nodes on the Network James Moore: What Indie Bands Can Learn From Rebecca Black: Ignore. Continue reading

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The Myth Of Musical Talent

How much does talent affect trying to find work as a musician? Talent is important, but it takes more for people to hire you over someone else that may be. Continue reading

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MTT Weekly Recap: The Many Hats of a Musician

Where The Music Industry Thinks Out Loud Rich Gordon: The Many Hats of a Musician Tim London: Remake Remodel – The Major Labels Speak Dave Cool: How to Get a. Continue reading

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The Many Hats Of A Musician

Ever feel like you never have enough time to juggle the many hats of a musician trying to make it? Well, on Music Think Tank, Rich Gordon does not have. Continue reading

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A Nashville Musician Needs Us… A Run To Joplin, MO

In the wake of several severe natural disasters, a tornado recently struck Joplin, Missouri. On Music Think Tank, Ariel Hyatt encourages everyone to help one of her dear friends, Vince. Continue reading

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Thank You Elliott Smith

Why did you get into the music business or why are you trying to get in? On Music Think Tank, independent musician, Padma Gillen, shares his opinion about the current. Continue reading

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Introduction: How I Became a Broadway Musician

On Music Think Tank, David (Musician Wages) posts the introduction to his 5-part series on how he became a Broadway musician. He explains that Broadway shows all have some type. Continue reading

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