An attempt to get Australian Artists off the Twitter Fence. How Twitter has worked for me.

Ariel Hyatt of CyberPR recently wrapped up a nationwide tour of Australia. While in there, Ariel found out that Australian musicians weren’t sold on Twitter. In order to show the. Continue reading

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The One Important Music Business Skill You REALLY Need To Learn

Ever wonder what business skills are essential for musicians? According to Shaun Letang, musicians should concentrate on a certain skill in order to move their careers along. Check out what. Continue reading

Share on: Weekly Recap: How the Digital Music Revolution is re-shaping Album Artwork & More

Where The Music Industry Thinks Out Loud David Roberts:Local Networking for Musicians Tommy Darker: The Rise of the Musicpreneur (Part 2/3) Mark Roberts: How the Digital Music Revolution is re-shaping. Continue reading

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Red Bull DIDN’T Steal My Music. More Important Lessons For Indie Artists.

Last week, David Philips wrote a post about how Red Bull stole his music to use in a YouTube video. However, this week he follows up on his last post. Continue reading

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The Rise of the Musicpreneur (Part 2/3)

Earlier, Tommy Darker wrote part 1 of the rise of the musicpreneur which covered the business and online assets a musician should have. He follows up with part 2 on. Continue reading

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Local Networking For Musicians

Want to get ahead in the music business? Try networking. Networking helps you build relationships with others in the music industry. If done correctly, it’s mutually beneficial because you’ll help. Continue reading

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MusicThinkTank Weekly Recap: When Tragedy Is in the News: How to Respond as a Musician & More

Where The Music Industry Thinks Out Loud   David Philips: Red Bull stole my music! 3 important lessons for indie artists. Simon Tam: The Most Underrated Things in a Musician’s. Continue reading

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When Tragedy Strikes: How To Respond As A Musician

After the horrific events at the Boston Marathon, I along with many others were stunned and saddened. Everyone has different ways of reacting and coping with tragedies like this. As. Continue reading

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The Most Underrated Things in a Musician’s Career

Earlier, Simon Tam posted about the most overrated things in a musician’s career. He has followed up on this post with a list of the most underrated things in a. Continue reading

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Going Nowhere: The Pitfalls Of The “Facebook Band”

Have you spammed Facebook by posting a link to your band’s website or other links to your music? According to James Moore, you may be considered a “Facebook band”. Being. Continue reading

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