A Review Of ReverbNation’s Crowd Review Service [Brian Hazard]

In this piece Brian Hazard breaks down his experience with ReverbNation's recently overhauled Crowd Review, and how it can be utilized by artists to improve their music and get a. Continue reading

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CD Baby Extends Pro Publishing Services To Australia, New Zealand, Expands In Brazil

CD Baby has expanded the reach of its Pro Publishing administration service for songwriters to Australia, New Zealand, and Fiji. Australia is the 4th biggest national demographic of CD Baby. Continue reading

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MON. BRIEF: Spotify Denies Fake Artists Charges • Twitter CEO Shortlist • ‘Beat Shazam’ Game Show • More

MONDAY 7.10.17 Music Business News From Around The Web  Where there's smoke there's usually fire, but something about this Spotify "fake artists" story doesn't make sense. Put simply, Spotify wouldn't. Continue reading

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This Week In Music Commentary

Music industry commentators shared their thoughts and opions on difference between streaming success and a true fan connection, the art of windowing done 

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Getting It Done: The Week In D.I.Y. & Indie Music

The advice for indie and DIY musicians this week covers the best way to market to your core fans, the best way to assemble an effective artist bio, how to identify. Continue reading

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Music Think Tank Weekly Recap: Equipment • Band Agreement • Musical Mayhem

On MusicThinkTank this week, we covered what equipment every inspired indie band should have, what you need to know when it comes to crafting a band agreement, and major issues. Continue reading

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TOP POSTS: This Week’s Most Read Posts On Hypebot

The most popular articles featured on Hypebot this week revealed the frequency with which Jay-Z's new album has been pirated, how Deezer purchase of SoundCloud could shift its market narrative,. Continue reading

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Inside PledgeMusic with SVP Bryan Mead [Music Biz Weekly Podcast]

Bryan Mead from PledgeMusic joins Michael Brandvold and Jay Gilbert on Hypebot's Music Biz Weekly podcast to talk about how the site has evolved.

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FAKE HITS: Millions Of Streams vs. A True Fan Connection [David Emery]

In this article, David Emery explores the industry wide issue of "fake hits" tracks which, although they may amass a host of plays on platforms like SoundCloud, generate little to. Continue reading

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How To Market To Your Core Fans

Cultivating and caring for your core fans is one of the key aspects of maintaining lively and profitable fan base. Here we look at how to successful market to your. Continue reading

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