DistroKid Launches Free Revenue Share Payment Tool, Reveals New Stats

DistroKid is thriving as a discount flat fee digital music distribution platform. Offering $19.99 a year for unlimited uploads has attracted a significant user base; and somehow the low price. Continue reading

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VRSE’s Zach Richter Pushes Limits Of Virtual Reality

All of a sudden, VR seems to be everywhere, from music videos to the media business. The company behind many of these experiences is VRSE, founded by legendary creative mind. Continue reading

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Using YouTube Translation Tools To Boost Your Channel Audience

Even if an artist takes all the proper steps to make sure the content they upload to YouTube is discoverable, only having their metadata in one language can limit the. Continue reading

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How To Successfully Promote Your Music

In an era where we're constantly bombarded with a multitude of advertisements, promoting your music in a way that breaks through the chatter has become increasingly difficult. Here we examine. Continue reading

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Universal Music Makes Nearly $4 Million A Day In Streaming Revenue

Streaming services are frequently criticized for their failure to properly compensate artists, but when it comes to the major labels, its a very different story. The more things change, the more they. Continue reading

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THU. BRIEFING: New Streaming Research • 8Tracks Opens Crowdfunding Round • Kobalt Adds App • Music Biz • More

THURSDAY 5.19.2016 Music Business News From Around The Web Dive into the new streaming research.  There's a lot there. And kudos to 8Tracks for taking its money search to the fans.. Continue reading

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Dubset NMPA Deal Means New Income For Indie Artists, Publishers

Income from mixes and other deriviative works has been out of reach for most indie artists and publishers who lack a team of lawyers to negotiate and enforce deals. Enter,. Continue reading

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5 Mistakes Every Novice Band Makes

While being in a band can be amazingly enjoyable and rewarding experiences, starting a successful band also presents a number of challenges. Here we look at five all-too-common mistakes which new bands. Continue reading

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Rule Of Seven For Music: Why You’re Probably Getting Discovery Wrong

Having a substantial and dedicated following is a massive asset when it comes to building revenue and effectively using social media, but guiding fans to your work and achieving a critical. Continue reading

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Business Manager Accused Of Stealing $4.7M From Alanis Morissette

Another day, another story about the music industry screwing an artist.  This time, the plot involves Alanis Morissette, a business manager and a missing $4.7 million.

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