MTV Study Unlocks 7 Secrets Of The Musician & Fan Relationship

A new MTV study shows that music fans are expecting a closer and near constant relationship with artists in exchange for their attention. "Music To The M Power" shows how social. Continue reading

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Slacker Launches Digital Age Music Charts: Songs Fans Love + Songs That Suck

Music streamer Slacker today launched EQ Score, a new take on the music charts that measures not what tracks a fan likes, but also which ones they don't. Music charts. Continue reading

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The Influence of Community on The Pluralist Generation and Its Music Consumption

With a new generation of music consumers, music business professionals, marketers, and musicians will have to pay attention to preferences of the next generation. Chasson Gracie at Gracie Management has. Continue reading

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Talent vs. Taste. The Ugly Truth.

There’s an ugly truth in the music industry: the industry is flawed and unfair. The highest paid musicians may not be the most talented. As a musician, should you diversify. Continue reading

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MusicThinkTank Weekly Recap: 1 Important Music Business Skill & Much More

Where The Music Industry Thinks Out Loud   Ariel Hyatt: 4 ‘Normal’ Challenges to Building a Strong Online Brand Shaun Letang: 1 Important Music Business Skill You REALLY Need To. Continue reading

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Religiously Recorded: Why The Studio Is Still Relevant

With various musicians moving to home recording, Dillon Roulet makes a case for why music studios are still relevant. Even though recording in a studio can be more expensive than. Continue reading

Share on: Weekly Recap: How the Digital Music Revolution is re-shaping Album Artwork & More

Where The Music Industry Thinks Out Loud David Roberts:Local Networking for Musicians Tommy Darker: The Rise of the Musicpreneur (Part 2/3) Mark Roberts: How the Digital Music Revolution is re-shaping. Continue reading

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Red Bull DIDN’T Steal My Music. More Important Lessons For Indie Artists.

Last week, David Philips wrote a post about how Red Bull stole his music to use in a YouTube video. However, this week he follows up on his last post. Continue reading

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The Rise of the Musicpreneur (Part 2/3)

Earlier, Tommy Darker wrote part 1 of the rise of the musicpreneur which covered the business and online assets a musician should have. He follows up with part 2 on. Continue reading

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Deconstructing Alex Day’s Success

The web has been abuzz in the past year with news on DIY, YouTube musician Alex Day’s success. Last week, Clyde wrote about how Alex Day released new music on. Continue reading

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