Music streaming has ‘outsized impact’ on U.S. economy, says DiMA study
The Digital Media Association (DiMA) has released a study that looks at the economic impact of music streaming on the U.S. economy, including the creation of 92,000 jobs. The DMiA. Continue reading

US music fans listened to 1T streams since January as artists struggle to survive
Last Saturday, November 26th, the US passed 1 trillion music streams since January 1st, 2022, making it the first time that milestone had been reached in a single year. That. Continue reading

Music streaming is not creating shared cultural moments, but it could
In the bygone age of live radio, music often met the moment. A rainy day, a national tragedy, and the death of a celebrity were often soundtracked by the perfect. Continue reading

Epic Games ventures beyond gaming to acquire Bandcamp and ‘build out a creator marketplace’
Epic Games, a video game software developer, recently made the move to stick their foot in the music industry by acquiring the notorious Bandcamp. by Timothy Geigner of Tech Dirt.. Continue reading

How direct-to-fan is becoming fan-to-fan [MIDiA]
Music fans are given an abundance of tools to share, interact, and connect as artist audiences become online communities ands they are set to reshape how we think about music. Continue reading

TIDAL to fund royalties for free tier from ‘operating budget’ instead of ads
Last week TIDAL made some significant moves that brought new life to its music streaming service. Most notably, TIDAL launched a shift to direct-to-artist payments and fan-centered royalties for its. Continue reading

How much of an average salary do consumers actually spend on streaming?
Do you listen to your music on a top streaming platform like Apple Music or Spotify? Read about the financial and environmental impacts of streaming music. Guest post by Chris. Continue reading

Spotify, Pandora lead in USA listeners, but not for long
Spotify has the most active users among all digital music and audio platforms, followed by Pandora, Amazon Music, and Apple Music. But a growing Amazon Music will surpass a declining. Continue reading

The 5 things you need to know about the economics of streaming music [Jay Gilbert]
Most artists and many in the music industry don’t begin to understand the economics of streaming. Highly respected music marketer Jay Gilbert dives in to explain streaming economics both as. Continue reading

As streaming diversifies, can Spotify keep up? [Mark Mulligan]
With growing marketplace diversity and their dominance over record labels in question, how will Spotify and other Western DSPs innovate enough to continue to grow market share? By Mark Mulligan. Continue reading