Senate Markup Of Music Modernization Act Is Today: CONTACT CONGRESS NOW!
Efforts continue to gut portions of the Music Modernization Act in the Senate despite unanimous backing in the House Of Representatives and near unanimous backing from all sectors of the. Continue reading
Congress To Vote On Music Modernization Act Today With Support Of Independent Labels
An expanded Music Modernization Act is scheduled for a vote in the United States House of Representatives on Wednesday. Though not without its critics, the bipartisan legislation has the strong. Continue reading
Music Modernization Act: Payday Built On Bad Policy [Op-Ed]
The Music Modernization Act appears poised to pass in Congress with both bipartisan support and the approval of most music industry trade groups. But the sweeping bill still has its. Continue reading
Music Modernization Act: Barf, Just Barf [David Lowery]
While supportive of much of the copyright reform recently put before congress, including the Classics Act and the AMP Act, David Lowery outlines some of the reasons behind his distaste. Continue reading
Songwriters Guild Endorses Music Modernization Act After Negotiated Changes
The Songwriters Guild Of America has changed it position and will endorse the Music Modernization Act, after changes were made to the bill currently before the US Congress. While some. Continue reading
What Is The Music Modernization Act and Who Supports It?
The Music Modernization Act is poised to reshape music copyright and compensation for a generation. But what exactly is the MMA, and how will it impact songwriters and publishers? We. Continue reading