Navigating the Music Business: Mapping Out A Living
So how hard is it to make a living in the music business? The music industry is complex and James Hogg has tips on how to navigate it. On Music. Continue reading
On Being An Entrepreneur – Ariel Hyatt Interviews Andy Bernstein Founder of HeadCount
On Music Think Tank, Ariel Hyatt interviews entrepreneur and founder of HeadCount, Andy Bernstein. HeadCount is a nonpartisan 501(c)(3) organization that registers voters at concerts and works with musicians to. Continue reading
How Musicians Can Build A Better Social Network
If you didn’t know it already, networking is very important in business especially in the music industry. Many new opportunities and business partnerships are formed from networking. On Music Think. Continue reading
We Need Curators, Not Gatekeepers (or) Why You Should Stop Using Pandora
How do you discover new music? Michael Epstein used to listen to radio or watch MTV. Then, Pandora came along to help by analyzing what people already like. That’s great;. Continue reading
MTT Weekly Recap: Broadcast is Over
Where The Music Industry Thinks Out Loud Leena Sowambur: Broadcast Is Over Behyped: Great Artists And The Music Industry Banana James Hogg: Kill Your Plug-ins and Up Your Music Production. Continue reading
Great Artists And The Music Industry Banana
On our sister blog Music Think Tank, Behyped writes about his views of the music industry and great artists. According to Behyped, creative people are burdened by a paradox of. Continue reading
MTT Weekly Recap: 10 Stupid Album Release Screw Ups
Where The Music Industry Thinks Out Loud Chris Seth Jackson: 10 Stupid Album Release Screw Ups Ariel Hyatt: Musician's Arsenal: Killer Apps, Tools & Sites – Visibli Sher Lefever: Advice. Continue reading