New Ways To Think About The Copyright Debate
Copyright laws have been debated throughout various industries including the music industry. On Music Think Tank, Simon Tam gives his opinion on the copyright debate and other ways to think. Continue reading Weekly Recap: The Viral Power of Fan Communication and more
Where The Music Industry Thinks Out Loud Simon Tam: New Ways to Think About Facebook Timeline for Bands Alex Hoffman: The Viral Power of Fan Communication: A Case Study On. Continue reading
Ariel Hyatt’s 2012 Guide to SXSW
Attending SXSW or planning on going in the future? Besides all the parties, barbecue, and tacos, it's a great opportunity to meet influential people, learn about the industry, and discover. Continue reading
The Next Music Format Case-Study: Twisted Music
At MIDEM 2012, music industry analyst, Mark Mulligan, presented a plea for adoption of a new music format. He presented a manifesto for the next generation of music products and. Continue reading
Many DIY artists deal with the challenge of understanding the various aspects of the music industry. One of the more complex parts of the music industry is understanding contracts and. Continue reading
Unbundling The Album: A Business Case For Releasing Single Songs
Many fans prefer buying singles instead of the whole album. Most agree with this and yet, the music industry has stubbornly stuck with the business model of releasing albums. On. Continue reading
MusicThinkTank Weekly Recap: The Music Industry vs. The Recording Industry & More
Where The Music Industry Thinks Out Loud Dante Cullari: A Response to SOPA: Free Pays(More) Ariel Hyatt: The Musicians’ Guide To Google – Hot Tips To Maximize Your Google Experience. Continue reading
The Difference Between The Music Industry & The Recording Industry
Many people use the terms “music industry” and “recording industry” interchangeably, but there is a distinct difference between the two. On Music Think Tank, Jeremy Belcher writes about the difference.. Continue reading
One For All, Or All For One? Solo vs The Band In The Age Of Social Media
The sky is falling…the music industry continues to live a “Chicken Little” scenario. At least, that’s how Paul Adler describes it on Music Think Tank. Many in the industry think. Continue reading Weekly Recap – Spotify: Millions Of DJs & More
Where The Music Industry Thinks Out Loud Simon Tam: The Real Reason Why SOPA Didn’t Pass: Marketing Wes Davenport: The 5 Most Important Skills Twitter Teaches Us Shane Jones: Digital. Continue reading