A Cross-Platform Portfolio Web App For Music
(UPDATED) Hypebot contributor Natalie Cheng (@ncswim881) is also the MusicThinkTank Community Manager. She writes about and works in digital music marketing, social media and technology. Creating and distributing press kits. Continue reading
How Music Streaming Services Could Help Artists, Fans, Labels, Charities & The Music Industry
Guest post by Benji Rogers (@benjikrogers), Founder & CEO of PledgeMusic. I'm not into streaming. I've never really made a secret of that, and as such it occurred to me. Continue reading
Can You Recover From Free Music?
Free music is a touchy subject among some musicians. On Music Think Tank, Mark Knight feels that giving away music for free may be a mistake and recommends another approach. Continue reading
Why Music is Less Valuable Than Expertise and Information…?
On Music Think Tank, Jamie Leger posts a question that plagues music and all creative fields: Is music less valuable than expertise and quality information? And is this why music. Continue reading
MusicThinkTank Weekly Recap: Making A Living Is The New Success & More
Where The Music Industry Thinks Out Loud Simon Tam: How to Get Sponsored: Rethinking Sponsorships Bobby Owsinski: Making A Living Is The New Success James Aviaz: Q&A: Getting Music. Continue reading
For Most Musicians Making A Living Is The New Success
Many musicians strive to become stars, but many realize that achieving success is different now and goals change. For a majority, the goal is to survive and make a living. Continue reading
How to Get Sponsored: Rethinking Sponsorships
When you talk about sponsorships, the main thing surrounding the talk is money. On Music Think Tank, Simon Tam talks about changing your thinking on sponsorships and looking at it. Continue reading Weekly Recap: How to Begin a Career in the Music Industry & More
Where The Music Industry Thinks Out Loud Corey Crossfield: Why Mobile Apps Matter For Music Frank Woodworth: How to Begin a Career in the Music Industry: Advice to the. Continue reading
Basic Marketing Principles For Artists: Increase Amount Of Money You Charge [Part 3 of 3]
On Music Think Tank, Ariel Hyatt has the final segment of her series, “Basic Marketing Principles For Artists”. In part 3, she explores increasing the amount of money you charge.. Continue reading
How To Begin A Music Industry Career : Advice To Graduating Class Of 2012
For those starting a career in the music industry, it’s a daunting task to figure out where to start. The road is not clear-cut like other careers and industries. On. Continue reading