10 Music Business Fundamentals Inspired by Gandhi
As part of our 9th Anniversary, we asked our regular contributors to share their favorite Hypebot posts. This one comes from Hisham Dahud, former Hypebot analyst and Digital Strategy Director. Continue reading
How I Listen: Music Think Tank’s Natalie Cheng
In How I Listen, we ask industry leaders to share how they discover and consume music. This 9th Anniversary edition features Natalie Cheng, Music Think Tank Community Manager, MBA candidate. Continue reading
The Music Tech Graveyard: A Graphic Look At Music Tech Startups Circa 2007
A collection of logos of music tech companies circa 2007 prepared by designer Jadam Kahn serves as reminder of just what a treacherous sector music tech can be. Hypebot turns. Continue reading
New On Hypebot’s Jobs Board: Pledge Music Needs A&R Scouts
New on the Music Industry Jobs Board is PledgeMusic, the international direct-to-fan company hiring full-time and part-time A&R Scouts. There are also industry job openings at Brooklyn's Virtual Label reKiosk, SynchTank. Fame House, TAG Strategic, Jay. Continue reading
Jay-Z Takes To Twitter For 5 Hours: The Highlights
Jay-Z took to Twitter last night for five hours. After a high profile week of album release and Sansung app blowback, he seemed ready to set the record straight. And. Continue reading
Co-creating A Fanbase With Music Curation and What Artists Can Learn From Bloggers
By Yannick Servant of Digital Edge from Official.fm, a blog of resources for musicians and the new music industry. A recent profile of Spotify's Daniel Ek gave us a glimpse into. Continue reading
REWIND: The New Music Industry’s Week In Review
10 Great Ways Musicians Are Using Instagram Video Twitter's Vine Withers As Instagram Video Blossoms Major Artists Increasingly Opt To Record In Secrecy 5 Music Business Tips From Female Entrepreneurs. Continue reading
MusicThinkTank Weekly Recap: 6 Things Musicians Should Know & More
Where The Music Industry Thinks Out Loud Dillon Roulet: Streaming: What Netflix Can Teach The Music Industry Simon Tam: 6 Things Musicians Should Know That They Don’t Teach You. Continue reading
Sofar Sounds: Growing A House Party Network [Updated]
House parties take different forms but all tend to exist as alternative venues for specific subcultures to gather. Sofar Sounds is gathering those who wish to enjoy music in a. Continue reading
5 Music Business Tips From Female Entrepreneurs
After appearing as the only woman in "30 Pieces of Advice From Music Industry Entrepreneurs," Ariel Hyatt decided to forefront women in the industry with "51 Female Music Entrepreneurs Share. Continue reading