6 Important Music Business Stories You Might Have Missed Over The Holidays
We hope that you were offline more than online over the holiday break. But an important part of our mission is to make sure that you stay informed; so here. Continue reading
6 Qualities You Need To Be A Successful Musician [Best of Hypebot 2014]
By Dylan Welsh from the Sonicbids Blog. The music industry has always been competitive and cutthroat at heart, and these days, income is becoming harder and harder to find. Making a little money. Continue reading
5 Things That Smart Musicians Do Every Day [Best of Hypebot 2014]
By Dylan Welsh on Sonicbids Blog The sheer number of tasks that need to be completed on any given day can overwhelm anybody involved in music professionally. In today's industry, most musicians end up wearing many. Continue reading
Spotify: Daniel Knows Best?
Spotify has tried since its inception to legitimize itself as a reputable source for delivering content that is beneficial to both consumer and artist. However, when artists like Taylor Swift. Continue reading
A Look Back At The Top Music Business Stories Of 2014 [Upward Spiral Podcast]
We're reposting this recent episode of our Upward Spiral podcast because it's the perfect recap of the music business and music tech sectors for 2014, as well as, a look. Continue reading
Thom Yorke Releases His Latest Music Sales Experiment On Bandcamp
[UPDATED] Tom Yorke is now selling his new music via direct to fan platform BandCamp. With Radiohead, Yorke was the first major artist to offer new music using the "pay-what-you-want". Continue reading