Royalty Solutions, Next Big Sound Offer MusicBiz Webinar FREE To Hypebot Readers
Thanks to the fine folks at The Music Business Association (, this Thursday, January 29th at 2:00 PM (EST) we are able to offer free entry into a webinar that will explore. Continue reading
Apple Adds Free On iTunes – A Hub For Free Music, Film and TV
There were audible moans when iTunes dropped their popular free weekly download feature. Now Apple has responded with the launch of Free On iTunes a hub for free music, TV. Continue reading
Exposure Is Mostly Bullshit… Mostly
As an independent artist, it can be very easy to want to find as many opportunities to gain exposure. For some, getting exposure can be a challenge. For others, exposure. Continue reading
MusicTank Introduces First Think Tank Of 2015 – Is Data The New Oil?
MusicTank, University of Westminster, has opened the floor for its first Think Tank Debate of 2015: Is Data The New Oil? The question originated from the observation of the unrelenting. Continue reading
Who’s Buying Music Today vs 10 Years Ago
Guest Post by Bobby Owsinski on Music 3.0 Blog A recent survey by MusicWatch looked at the demographics of CD and digital music buyers back in 2004 and compared them to 2014.. Continue reading
Melboss Launches To Serve As Accelerator For Musicians Seeking To Build Careers
Melboss Co-Founders, Francisco Buendia and Filippo Tartari saw a need for an inclusive music hub and open marketplace and aim to fill that deficit with Melboss. Melboss prides itself on being an. Continue reading
Global Digital Music Market Projections 2015 – 2019
When technology is used to record, store, and encode sound digital music has been created. Beyond it's creation, digital music is what then allows customers to listen or download music. Continue reading