IFPI Set To Declare Friday As Global Music Release Day, Target and Other Retailers Balk [REPORT]
Which day of the week new music is released on varies from country to country, leading to confusion and some say to more piracy. But getting everyone to agree has. Continue reading
How To Protect Your Music
The rise of social media, websites, email lists, platforms for music promotion has impacted the music industry in a positive way, but with all upsides come downsides. Yannick Ilunga spoke. Continue reading
Digital Music Pioneer Rob Wells Exits Universal Music Without Warning
Rob Wells, Universal Music’s President Of Global Digital Business, resigned suddenly late yesterday after 15 years with the company. We have the full text of his exit letter to the UMG. Continue reading
Smartphone Music Apps To Pay Attention To In 2015
If you aim to accomplish something with your smartphone or mobile device, odds are, "there's an app for that." In a fast paced and continually evolving market, it's hard to. Continue reading
The Impending YouTube Music Showdown
YouTube multichannel networks (MCNs) like Maker, Machinima, and Fullscreen have reshaped the business of online video, but there's still one dicey area that hasn't yet been worked out to everyone's satisfaction – the music that. Continue reading
Snapchat Adds Music – It’s A Big Deal, But Will Artists And Songwriters Get Paid?
Snapchat has been very public about its music ambitions, including rumored talks to start a label or to buy Taylor' Swift's Big Machine records in tandem with Apple. Today those tune-driven dreams. Continue reading
Why China’s Music Industry Should Be Extremely Wary Of It’s Mobile Providers
What happens when an industry’s well-being lies in the hands of a monopolistic group of state-owned enterprises that don’t care about sustainability, much less the growth, of the industry, and. Continue reading