Video Interview Series Profiles Rock Era’s Top Concert Promoters

A new video series features extensive interviews with some of the most influential promoters of the rock era. The series includes profiles Harvey Goldsmith, Peter Asher, Don Law, Ron Delsener, Alex Cooley, Donald Tarlton and others. 

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4 Productivity Hacks for Musicians (And Everyone Else)

These days, everybody's looking for ways to be more productive than the day before, and being a musician doesn't get you out of getting work done. Squeezing the most out. Continue reading

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ReverbNation Launches CONNECT Songs Publishing Services In Partnership With Sentric Music

The suite of services available to indie and DIY musicians continues to broaden. Artist services platform ReverbNation today added to its already robust offering via a partnership with Sentric Music.

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3 Lessons From The Indie Artist Summit

Today, the freedom that indie musicians have to build their own career from the ground up can also be a big barrier. Technology advancements mean that great recordings can be. Continue reading

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iHeartRadio Now Available On Xbox One

iHeartRadio today announced its availability on Xbox One. Listeners can download the free app beginning today from the Xbox Store.  The full announcement: 

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Live Streaming For Musicians: Periscope vs. Meerkat

"Explore the world in real time through someone else's eyes." That's the tagline coined by Periscope, the shiny, new live streaming Twitter app that's probably popped up countless times in. Continue reading

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Songkick Discusses Research About Concertgoers

In this episode of Music Biz Podcast, we talk to Gideon Bullock, who is a design director at Songkick, a popular live concerts app. We ask Bullock how Songkick learns. Continue reading

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Spotify Names James Duffett-Smith Global As Head of Publisher Relations

Spotify has appointed James Duffett-Smith as Global Head of Publisher Relations. Previously he was Head of Licensing Business Affairs at Spotify, which is joined in 2009.

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Do It Yourself: Mechanics or Motivation?

Today, the music industry is all about D.I.Y (Do-It-Yourself). But does that really mean that you have to do it all alone? Today's music industry is becoming less dependent on record. Continue reading

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8 Experts Make A Case For Why “Physical” Recorded Music Still Matters

With all the news about streaming music services and the state of the “new” music business, many independents artists are wondering whether there’sstill a need for physical recorded product (i.e.,. Continue reading

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