An Indie Streaming Success Story: Secrets In Stereo
NPR recently posted an article about how the tiny royalties coming from music streaming can add up and chose one artist as a great example. Josh Colum and his band Secrets In Stereo signed up with Rumblefish, a. Continue reading
5 Reasons The Major Labels Didn’t Really Blow It With Napster
Pundits are fond of saying that the major labels blew it by suing Napster instead of doing a deal with them. It's as though they're obligated to repeat it as. Continue reading
Deezer Adds 20,000 Podcasts, Downplays Importance Of Free Music
[UPDATED] Everyone seems to be trying to find new ways to stand out ahead of Apple Music's relaunch. Today music streamer Deezer added podcasts to its offering, and more interestingly, downplayed. Continue reading
Inside Music Distribution To China’s 1.3 Billion Market
Much of the initial enthusiasm that accompanied the opening up of the Chinese music industry with the advent of the internet, usually supplemented by a hopeful but misguided reference to. Continue reading
Starbucks Shifts Music Gears From iTunes to Spotify In Major Multi-Year Partnership
Digital music deals and launches are accelerating ahead of next months Apple music relaunch. Spotify hit a solid double yesterday with multi-faceted Starbucks deal that includes 200,000+ free Spotify Premium. Continue reading
Epic Fail: The War On Piracy
The final chapter in the long, sordid story of the pirate site, Grooveshark, finally played out in a New York Courtroom last week. The principals, after years of litigation, have. Continue reading
VOTE: Should Streaming Services Limit Free Music?
Many in the music industry are concerned that income from streaming will not adequately fund artists and the music industry. With the shift to streaming accelerating, should record labels and. Continue reading