Who released the first ever CD?
There are a few albums vying for the title of “first CD ever released,” and how you phrase the question makes a difference. by Andre Calilhanna of Disc Makers Blog. Continue reading

What is the ‘oldest’ song?
Some songs stand the test of time better than other, and such is certainly the case for Hurrian Hymn no. 6 (we’re not sure about the other five) a song. Continue reading

The Mission & Culture of Rock ‘n Roll with Joel Selvin, author of ‘Hollywood Eden’
Join an amazing discussion of music history and the new book “Hollywood Eden: Electric Guitars, Fast Cars, and the Myth of the California Paradise” with author and San Francisco Chronicle. Continue reading
Spotify Adds Music History To Facebook Timeline
Spotify is adding moments in music history to its Facebook Timeline. Currently they go all the way back to "Organum Experiments" in 1001 and continue through to contemporary times. Spotify. Continue reading