How Jail-Time and Cults Can Help Your Band Become Successful, Part 1
Are you an artist that has a compelling story or a unique way of connecting with fans? You may be able to leverage that story in order to help your. Continue reading
You Don’t Know Anything and Your Ideas Are Worthless (No, Seriously, Get Used To It…)
On Music Think Tank, David Greenberg posts about how people will not listen to you or will tell you that you’re wrong throughout your career. This can happen more often. Continue reading
MyMusicExec Answers “Do I Really Need a Manager?”
On Music Think Tank, Andrew Lewis gives advice to young or up-and-coming artists that are just starting out in their music career. Before choosing a manager, consider the 5 stages. Continue reading
MTT Weekly Recap: 10 Stupid Album Release Screw Ups
Where The Music Industry Thinks Out Loud Chris Seth Jackson: 10 Stupid Album Release Screw Ups Ariel Hyatt: Musician's Arsenal: Killer Apps, Tools & Sites – Visibli Sher Lefever: Advice. Continue reading
Infographic: Artist RoadMap To Social Media
With so many websites and tools to connect with fans, it can be hard to keep track of which are important and its purpose. On Music Think Tank, Brendan Moore. Continue reading
Advice For Beginners & A Reminder To Veterans In The Music Industry
The music industry can be rough and it is made worse by artists and music industry employees backstabbing and undercutting each other. Instead of acting this way, people in the. Continue reading
MTT Weekly Recap: What Indie Bands Can Learn From Rebecca Black
Where The Music Industry Thinks Out Loud Dmitri Vietze: How Middle Class Musicians Navigate the Nodes on the Network James Moore: What Indie Bands Can Learn From Rebecca Black: Ignore. Continue reading
What Are Odds Of Succeeding WITH A Record Deal?
On Music Think Tank, we have been debating the odds of succeeding without a record deal. One response post can be found here. This week, Robin Davey gives a different. Continue reading
MTT Weekly Recap: Celebrating Derek Sivers’ New Book
Where The Music Industry Thinks Out Loud Don Austin: Why the Confusion? It Has Always Been About the Business Blake Easter: What are you waiting for? Wicked D Harrison: Online. Continue reading
Why The Confusion? It’s Always Been About the Business
How are you treating your music career? Are you just playing shows and not worrying about financing your career? Even if you’re a great musician, it does not mean that. Continue reading