MusicThinkTank Weekly Recap: Everything You Need To Forget About The Music Industry & More

Where The Music Industry Thinks Out Loud   Ariel Hyatt: 5 Things Needed To PRE-Prepare for a Crowd Funding Campaign Rick Goetz: Everything You Need to Forget about the Music. Continue reading

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Everything You Need To Forget About The Music Industry

With 20 years in the music business, Rick Goetz has learned quite a bit about the industry. He has learned that the media has affected many people’s perspectives and caused. Continue reading

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Solving The Problem of New Music & Artist Discovery

In David Sherbow’s opinion, record companies and independent musicians must cultivate and create a single new digital marketplace. The record companies and musicians need to work together to develop one. Continue reading

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The Shattered Hit Record Model

People have complained about how the music business model is broken and records aren’t selling. Many believe that music today is a formula and soul-less; however, Bobby Owsinski believes that. Continue reading

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A Little Music Industry Career Advice

Leena Sowambur posted the following on her Facebook page: “For anyone looking to get a job in the music business. I’m looking for 7 questions that you would like answered. Continue reading

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What Actually Drives Music Consumption

What variables drive music consumption? On Music Think Tank, Chasson Gracie posted six key findings from a conceptual model he created. He also includes insights and implications for a musician’s. Continue reading

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What Do You Enjoy Most About Being A Musician?

Last month, Marcus Taylor asked 400+ musicians what they loved most about being a musician. He compiled the responses into a nice infographic. Check it out on Music Think Tank.. Continue reading

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How To Begin A Music Industry Career : Advice To Graduating Class Of 2012

For those starting a career in the music industry, it’s a daunting task to figure out where to start. The road is not clear-cut like other careers and industries. On. Continue reading

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Musicians: How To Talk To Strangers

As a child, many are told not to talk to strangers. However, you need to learn to talk to strangers when networking. In the music business, it’s a lot about. Continue reading

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If Your Music Career Was Like a Food Cart

Have you ever compared your music career to other businesses? On Music Think Tank, Simon Tam describes the similarities between a music career and a food cart. Artists like food. Continue reading

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