MusicThinkTank Weekly Recap: Everything You Need To Forget About The Music Industry & More
Where The Music Industry Thinks Out Loud Ariel Hyatt: 5 Things Needed To PRE-Prepare for a Crowd Funding Campaign Rick Goetz: Everything You Need to Forget about the Music. Continue reading
Everything You Need To Forget About The Music Industry
With 20 years in the music business, Rick Goetz has learned quite a bit about the industry. He has learned that the media has affected many people’s perspectives and caused. Continue reading
Solving The Problem of New Music & Artist Discovery
In David Sherbow’s opinion, record companies and independent musicians must cultivate and create a single new digital marketplace. The record companies and musicians need to work together to develop one. Continue reading
The Shattered Hit Record Model
People have complained about how the music business model is broken and records aren’t selling. Many believe that music today is a formula and soul-less; however, Bobby Owsinski believes that. Continue reading
A Little Music Industry Career Advice
Leena Sowambur posted the following on her Facebook page: “For anyone looking to get a job in the music business. I’m looking for 7 questions that you would like answered. Continue reading
What Actually Drives Music Consumption
What variables drive music consumption? On Music Think Tank, Chasson Gracie posted six key findings from a conceptual model he created. He also includes insights and implications for a musician’s. Continue reading
What Do You Enjoy Most About Being A Musician?
Last month, Marcus Taylor asked 400+ musicians what they loved most about being a musician. He compiled the responses into a nice infographic. Check it out on Music Think Tank.. Continue reading
How To Begin A Music Industry Career : Advice To Graduating Class Of 2012
For those starting a career in the music industry, it’s a daunting task to figure out where to start. The road is not clear-cut like other careers and industries. On. Continue reading
Musicians: How To Talk To Strangers
As a child, many are told not to talk to strangers. However, you need to learn to talk to strangers when networking. In the music business, it’s a lot about. Continue reading
If Your Music Career Was Like a Food Cart
Have you ever compared your music career to other businesses? On Music Think Tank, Simon Tam describes the similarities between a music career and a food cart. Artists like food. Continue reading