MusicThinkTank Weekly Recap: Solving the Symphony Crisis & More

Where The Music Industry Thinks Out Loud Jon Ostrow & Ariel Hyatt: The #1 Reason Why Your Facebook Page Isn’t Growing (And 5 others too) A Musicianʼs Mini-Guide to Crowdfunding –. Continue reading

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Nagivating #SXSW: Advice from the Streets of Austin – RECAP + More

Now that SXSW is over, people are going back to their normal routines. So what did you learn from going down to Austin? Were you able to attend and see. Continue reading

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MusicThinkTank Weekly Recap: The Next Era of the Music Business & More

Where The Music Industry Thinks Out Loud   Marcus Taylor: 4 Emerging Trends in Social Media & How They’ll Impact The Music Industry Bobby Owsinski: The Next Era Of The. Continue reading

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The Next Era Of The Music Business

Digital music is transforming the music industry and is rapidly picking up speed. More people are using streaming services and there are rumors that Apple is creating their own service.. Continue reading

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“Has Your Music Been Featured In The NY Times?” A Look At Automated Music Submission Services

There are many musicians that have been preyed upon by businesses. James Moore suggests staying away from one type of service in particular: automated music submission services. He believes that. Continue reading

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Derek Sivers: It’s All Who You Know?

You hear it all the time – in this business, it’s about who you know. It sounds intimidating, but simply contacting a stranger can lead to a worldwide network of. Continue reading

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10 Questions Artists Should Ask Themselves at the Beginning of Their Careers

For young musicians, there are various reasons why they pursue a career in music. However, many do not take the time to define their reasons which can hinder future success.. Continue reading

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On Martin Mills’ Call To Action

(UPDATED) MIDEM recently concluded in France and Mark Montgomery has analyzed Martin Mills’s speech from the event. On Music Think Tank, Mark has written about how he sees the music. Continue reading

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MusicThinkTank Weekly Recap: Everything You Need To Forget About The Music Industry & More

Where The Music Industry Thinks Out Loud   Ariel Hyatt: 5 Things Needed To PRE-Prepare for a Crowd Funding Campaign Rick Goetz: Everything You Need to Forget about the Music. Continue reading

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Everything You Need To Forget About The Music Industry

With 20 years in the music business, Rick Goetz has learned quite a bit about the industry. He has learned that the media has affected many people’s perspectives and caused. Continue reading

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