Making Money With Music: 20 DO’s, 20 DONT’s and 21 Practical Tips

Learn how to profit and maybe even live off music, with these common tips and mistakes to help make it possible. by Ariel Hyatt and the team at CYBER PR. Continue reading

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MLC is holding $1.2 Billion

How much money did the music industry make last year? [Mark Mulligan]

The music industry is a vast world, but ever wonder what its earnings do for the economy. Here is how much money was made in the unpredictable Covid rollercoaster that. Continue reading

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MLC is holding $1.2 Billion

How live off your music in 2022

It’s every musician’s dream to do music full-time, so read this guide to make that dream a reality. A guest post from Horus Music. As an independent artist looking to. Continue reading

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The 5 ways to charge for your services as a musician

When you are your own boss, getting paid can be a bit of a grey area. Learn how to charge others for your time with these five tips. A guest. Continue reading

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Can you make it in today’s music industry?

Music has never been an easy business, and not everyone has what it takes. Here industry veteran Bobby Borg here outlines the three qualities an individual needs to successfully cut. Continue reading

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5 tips for writing music grant applications

Cultivating a successful career in music can often come with a fairly hefty price tag, but thankfully private institutions, and sometimes even governments have grants available which can help to. Continue reading

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‘Where’s my money?’ songwriters, publishers ask MLC

Thanks to services claiming their safe harbor under the Music Modernization Act Title I giveaway, The Mechanical Licensing Collective recently came into $424,000,000, but has so far failed to disburse. Continue reading

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Nerve: the first neobank for musicians

Introducing Nerve, the first neobank created specifically for musicians, providing a tool to help them build stronger communities and cultivate more sustainable careers. Guest post from A2IM The music business. Continue reading

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How to complete a DIY project without breaking the bank

With so many changes to the music economy, many would-be artists see so few opportunities for any kind of financial remuneration, they may be reluctant to invest in a career. Continue reading

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Top 5 musician moneymakers may surprise you

We’re all gossips when it comes to industry superstars, and their money is no exception! This recent list from Billboard reveals the industry’s top five global earners. Guest post by. Continue reading

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