Happy Birthday To You: A Copyright Saga Chapter Closes
As most are now aware, the song which has for years been a staple of American birthday celebrations has been wrested from the clutches of Warner/Chappell and placed in the. Continue reading
Fake Warner Music Email Threatens Top Torrent Uploaders
Several active uploaders have received threatening emails, purportedly from the Warner Music Group. Filled with spelling and grammar errors and sent from an masked address outside of WMG, it is. Continue reading
Ray Charles Foundation Wins Round In Battle With His 7 Children
Confusing and antiquated copyright laws open the door for a multitude of lawsuits- some much needed (Flo & Eddie) and others more specious. The battle between Ray Charles' 7 children. Continue reading
Music Publishing’s Metadata Problem
While there has been significant discussion of late over how streaming services pay artists and labels, the means by which publishers and songwriters are compensated has been shockingly absent from. Continue reading
The “Happy Birthday” Copyright Bombshell
Are we seeing more blurred lines controversy? For years Warner/Chappell have been collecting millions in royalties off of the song "Happy Birthday," but recent evidence, revealed last minute during a. Continue reading