Anthropic tops $61B despite copyright lawsuits

Inflation Adjustment for Physical and Vinyl Mechanical Royalties 2025 Estimate

The Copyright Royalty Board’s annual inflation adjustment raises physical and download mechanical royalty rates, thanks to past advocacy rejecting frozen rates. What will the inflation adjustment for physical and vinyl. Continue reading

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Leftover streaming mechanicals will be up for discussion [Chris Castle]

Many of the companies involved have market capitalizations greater than the gross national product of some countries.  by CHRIS CASTLE of Music Tech Policy You may have noticed that a. Continue reading

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Publishing vs. Master Rights

What do songwriters think about the CRB and mechanical rates? [Trichordist survey results]

Songwriters are on the verge of a 32% increase in mechanical royalties plus inflation indexing. But is that the increase they expected, and do they think the process is fair?. Continue reading

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What rightsholders need to know about the MLC

Getting involved with the The Mechanical Licensing Collective (The MLC) can be confusing, so let’s break it down… by Ellen Truley of The MLC from Soundfly’s Flypaper blog If you’re a. Continue reading

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Is Universal Music stepping up to solve unfrozen mechanicals crisis?

Universal is rumored to plan to try and solve the unfrozen mechanical problem. A guest post by CHRIS CASTLE of Music Tech notPolicy. I have it on good authority from. Continue reading

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RIAA’s Mitch Glazier offers plan to settle frozen mechanicals crisis

Mitch Glazier, head of the RIAA, wants independent songwriting groups to help inform the contentious Copyright Royalty Board negotiations over frozem mechanicals. But that will take more time than the. Continue reading

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How will the new physical mechanical rates affect valuations? [Chris Castle]

The Copyright Royalty Judges offered a breath of fresh air in the contentious and labyrinthine Phonorecords III and IV proceedings by refusing to accept the insider “settlement” worked out by. Continue reading

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Reasons for abandoning frozen mechanical rates at the Copyright Royalty Board are growing [Chris Castle]

“In a recent comment, I called the Copyright Royalty Board the ‘cornucopia of chaos’ which it is at least on the mismanaged mechanical royalty rates,” writes Chris Castle. Op-ed by. Continue reading

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Anthropic tops $61B despite copyright lawsuits

All economic indicators are flashing red at the Copyright Royalty Board on frozen mechanicals

With inflation reaching record highs, songwriters should prepare for changes in royalty rates. A guest post by Chris Castle of Music Tech Solutions. All of the economic indicators are telling. Continue reading

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understanding music publishing rights

4 kinds of music publishing royalties

There are four important types of royalties involved in music publishing – here we break down what each one is, and how they apply to your music. Guest post by. Continue reading

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