Weekly Recap – Spotify: Millions Of DJs & More
Where The Music Industry Thinks Out Loud Simon Tam: The Real Reason Why SOPA Didn’t Pass: Marketing Wes Davenport: The 5 Most Important Skills Twitter Teaches Us Shane Jones: Digital. Continue reading
The Real Reason SOPA Didn’t Pass: Marketing
Last Wednesday, several major websites (Wikipedia, Reddit, Mozilla, WordPress) blacked out to protest SOPA and PIPA. These two controversial bills were proposed to fight online trafficking in copyrighted intellectual property. Continue reading
12 Great Ways To Increase Your Fan Base In 2012 [ARIEL HYATT]
Musicians are almost always looking to expose their music to more people and increase their fan base. On Music Think Tank, Ariel Hyatt has 12 ways to increase and engage. Continue reading
Musicians Guide to Google+ From Ariel Hyatt
Google+ launched in July 2011 adding to the increasing amount of social networks. Have you created a Google+ profile or are you still waiting to see what happens with it?. Continue reading
MTT Weekly Recap: Why You Should Give Your Music Away For Free
Where The Music Industry Thinks Out Loud Rich Gordon: The importance of good email standards Jeremy Belcher: Why You Should Give Your Music Away for Free Leena Sowambur: Goal Setting. Continue reading
5 Easy SoundCloud Music Promotion Tips
Yesterday, we featured a post where SoundCloud shared some of the Best Campaigns of 2011. Many artists are using SoundCloud to promote their music. Grammy nominated electronic dance producer, Skrillex,. Continue reading
Mobile Marketing For Indie Artists Is Now A Reality
Mobile is a big topic that many people are talking about especially in the music industry. There are many opportunities to market your music with mobile such as apps, QR. Continue reading
5 Tips On Landing A Label, Sponsor & Booking Agent
For any artist, it is important to act like a professional when trying to get the right label, sponsor, or booking agent. On Music Think Tank, Simon Tam offers 5. Continue reading