Bandcamp Grew Fan Signups 4X By Making A Very Simple Change
By any yardstick, Bandcamp is on a roll. Not only is it growing rapidly, as measured by both new artist and label signups and transactions, but the indie music site. Continue reading
Twitter For Events & Concerts: What You Need to Know
The world of social media is tumultuous and ever-changing, and nowhere is this more true than on Twitter. This means that if you're planning on promoting an event on the. Continue reading
Music Think Tank Recap: Songwriters Challenge • Sending Music To Record Labels • Content Ideas
This week on MusicThinkTank, we looked at a new songwriters co-writing challenge, how to perfectly package and prepare a demo in advance of sending it off to a label, and. Continue reading
How To Use Social Media To Promote Live Shows [INFOGRAPHIC]
This infographic from Eventbrite offers a quick rundown of the eight biggest social media networks including their audience, purpose, and how to use them in your show promotion. File it. Continue reading
DigitalRadioTracker: Tracking Internet Radio Spins
Although internet radio has in many ways been a large asset to the music industry, allowing artists to launch shows, stations, and further connect via this new platform, however being. Continue reading
6 Simple Tips For Promoting Your Event Offline
While the ease and prevalence of digital promotion can make it tempting to focus exclusively on online promotion of your event, these six offline old school techniques can actually prove more. Continue reading
Ariel Hyatt On Crowdfunding, New Book [INTERVIEW]
In this interview Ariel Hyatt, founder and owner of Cyber PR offers her two cents on crowdfunding and success strategies, delving into personal experience as well as offering takeaways from. Continue reading
5 Non-Musical Skills Musicians Should Work To Improve
Certainly improving one's musical ability is paramount when it comes to maintaining a successful music career, but music is a business, meaning that there are some non-music related skills artists. Continue reading
How To Boost Your Organic Reach On Facebook
Although its ongoing popularity is often debated, Facebook still accounts for one of every six minutes spent online, meaning it remains an essential social media marketing tool. In this comprehensive. Continue reading