How to make live shows more exciting
Is it a possibility that after over a year of pandemic-induced solitude, your performance skills are a little rusty? No worries, here are 3 ways you can make your next. Continue reading

5 steps to get more DJ gigs in 2022
As the world of live music approaches new normal, prepare yourself as a DJ boy following this simple guide. A guest post by Ditto Music. After an uncertain past couple. Continue reading

4 ways to book more and better shows using data
Streaming platforms are not just convenient for consumers, but they provide some helpful tools for the artists as well. By looking at how many listeners you have, where they are. Continue reading

Performing Live Music At The Polls
Across the country, indie musicians from all walks of the industry are performing live at the polls while the masses wait in line to vote. Here, we look at some. Continue reading
How To Win Over A Lame Crowd: A Musician’s Guide
The lame crowd is an inevitability for any performing artists, and while an unreceptive crowd can be more than a little discouraging, there are a few ways to deal this. Continue reading
A Beginner’s Guide To Making Your Live Stage Performance Unforgettable
While many DIY artists trying to take their career to the next level focus on their online persona or their creative output, many neglect what is an essential element of. Continue reading
Playing Profitable Shows as a Band: The 25% Rule
Touring is an important aspect for bands. Since it can be costly, David Roberts has posted a profitable tour itinerary template for indie bands to use. He also talks about. Continue reading
How To Book A Tour: Unconventional Advice
When booking a tour, there are various challenges that can come up. On Music Think Tank, Simon Tam posts about potential pitfalls in booking. What problems have you faced when. Continue reading
How To Sound Better Live
At the SXSW keynote, Bruce Springsteen advised young musicians to “learn how to bring it live”. On Music Think Tank , Daren Smith gives advice on how to sound better. Continue reading
Are You Charging Too Little For Your Live Shows?
Five bucks – that’s how much shows cost in the past and for some shows now. Scott Honsberger thinks charging $5 for a show is a bad idea for musicians.. Continue reading