Why Music Labels and Publishers Chronically Miss Out On Licensing Opportunities

By music licensing expert Andy Lykens. The C-levels at a music publisher I used to work at would drop by my cube once every few days. All nice people, they. Continue reading

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Music Publishing Weekly Roundup: NMPA & Fullscreen Settle, Takedown Requests Surge & More

The NMPA and Fullscreen have reached an agreement to settle copyright infringement claims the NMPA made regarding the unlicensed use of musical compositions by creators on Fullscreen's multi-channel YouTube network. The settlement. Continue reading

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Why The UK’s Copyright Hub Will Change The Face Of Music Rights

Jane McInness blogs about the music industry, as well as writing for Imagem Production Music. While the digital age has bought more opportunities for musicians, the losses have been well. Continue reading

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Pandora Wins Important ASCAP Lawsuit

Pandora has won a federal court decision rejecting efforts by ASCAP and some music publishers to define the license that enables Pandora to to play their music. The judge's decision effectively. Continue reading

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MusicThinkTank Weekly Recap: Your Fans Won’t Come to Your Shows…

Where The Music Industry Thinks Out Loud                 Diana Hereld: Creativity in Constraint: Exploiting the Boundaries David Dusty: Seeking Success for Your Songs. Continue reading

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Seeking Success For Your Songs In The World Of Music Licensing

Want to learn more about the music publishing industry? On Music Think Tank, David Dusty has posted tips from Mallory Zumbach, the Creative Director at Round Hill Music, that will. Continue reading

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MusicThinkTank.com Weekly Recap: Thom Yorke vs. Spotify & More

Where The Music Industry Thinks Out Loud    Josh Kruk: Thom Yorke vs. Spotify: Rebel Without a Plan Chris Rucks: The Top 5 Biggest Mistakes To Make When Clearing Music. Continue reading

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MediaNet CEO Responds To $18M Aimee Mann Lawsuit

Aimee Mann is suing MediaNet for $18M claiming distribution of her music without permission.  MediaNet provides licensing and backend services to dozens of major sites including Songza and turntable.fm. Frank Johnson,. Continue reading

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You Bought It, You Own It, You Should Be Able to Do What You Want With It.

After you purchase a song, you have certain rights like the ability to access the file. The First Sale Doctrine gives people the right to lend, resell, or give away. Continue reading

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Why Copyright Is Evil

A copyright gives the creator of a work exclusive rights to it and an owner of a copyright has the right to make copies, license, and use the work. On. Continue reading

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