MTT Weekly Recap: Join The Music Think Tank Networking Party
Where The Music Industry Thinks Out Loud Minh Chau: Best Kept Secret for Advancing Your Music Career James Hogg: Learn How To Mix In 3D: Steve Hillier Tips on Mastering. Continue reading
How To Mix In 3D: Steve Hillier On Mastering Reverb
If you’re in audio engineering, mastering the use of reverb is pretty important. On Music Think Tank, James Hogg writes what he thinks people are doing wrong with their music. Continue reading
Navigating the Music Business: Mapping Out A Living
So how hard is it to make a living in the music business? The music industry is complex and James Hogg has tips on how to navigate it. On Music. Continue reading
MTT Weekly Recap: Broadcast is Over
Where The Music Industry Thinks Out Loud Leena Sowambur: Broadcast Is Over Behyped: Great Artists And The Music Industry Banana James Hogg: Kill Your Plug-ins and Up Your Music Production. Continue reading
Kill Your Plug-ins & Up Your Music Production Skills
This post is for all the audio engineers and people that work in a recording studio. On Music Think Tank, James Hogg talks about the plug-in effect and how many. Continue reading