Day The Music Died In Canada: HMV Bankrupt, Closing All 102 Stores

January 27th is being called "the day the music died" by many Canadians. That's the day that an Ontario judge approved bankruptcy for Canada's largest music retailer HMV.

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Why Do Streams Count As Sales On Billboard Charts? “There is no consumption,” says Digital Music Veteran

This week Billboard and Nielsen added streaming to their genre charts, and digital music veteran Jim Griffin is asking why.  He's held top digital posts at Warner Music, Cherry Lane. Continue reading

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Measuring Online Audience Engagement [INFOGRAPHIC]

Although 'engagement' is often thought of simply as the number of views or shares on a piece of media, there's much more involved when it comes to how audience engagement is. Continue reading

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Booking A Tour? Why Not Book Two?

Booking a DIY tour can be a painful and arduous task, but is a necessary one. Here Jeremy Young explains why, when doing so, it can actually be beneficial to. Continue reading

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Audio Streaming Is Growing MUCH Faster Than Video [CHART]

Competition in music streaming is coming from all sides with Amazon, Google and Pandora and more expanding their services to compete with Spotify and Apple Music. Despite the fact that. Continue reading

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Track Your Direct-to-Fan Music and Merch Sales with Flyt’s Free Url Shortener

Flyt, a new tool for artists and labels looking for help navigating a direct-to-fan sales landscape, flyt acts a url shortener and sales tracker for artists using services like Shopify. Continue reading

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Tidal Releases Year End Numbers, Not The Right Ones

Although not exactly a heavy-hitter on the level of Spotify or Apple Music, Tidal has done a good job of staying in the streaming spotlight. With the conclusion of 2016,. Continue reading

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Shazam To Add Songkick Concert Listings In 2017

In a year end letter, Songkick CEO Matt Jones shared some impressive direct to fans ticket sales stats and an announcement that Shazam would be joining Spotify, SoundCloud and Pandora in distributing. Continue reading

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How I Gained 10.5 Million YouTube Followers

Here one artist reflects on how he was able to cut through the noise of a crowded market and build a sizable fanbase on YouTube, largely by changing the way. Continue reading

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A BIG Music Marketing Mistake To Avoid

Here Bob Baker discusses how many beginning musicians often go astray when pitching their music to tastemakers, and how setting and working towards clear goals is important to achieving success. Continue reading

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