Tag: .ipa (file extension)
SoundCloud Gives Creators An “Album” Option
Ever since SoundCloud cut its label deals and added a paid service, it's sped up the pace at which its adding new features. Today they added the option to display. Continue reading
Tags: .ipa (file extension), Accra, Adweek, Album cover, Android (operating system), IOS, playlist, Soundcloud, Spotify, YouTube
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Soundcloud Aims Straight At Spotify, Apple Music With “Artist Stations”
Soundcloud is looking and feeling more like a mainstream streaming music service every day. Earlier this year, they launched the ability to start a Station – a radio-like stream of similar. Continue reading
Tags: .ipa (file extension), Android (operating system), Artist, Facebook, IOS, Sony, Sony Music Entertainment, Soundcloud, Twitter, Warner Music Group
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