The NFT Music Boom
Art and music are in the misdt of yet another period of disruption, as NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) make their debut, and the blockchain continues to engender innovation in the ownership. Continue reading

Is The Music Modernization Act Stifling Industry Innovation?
When the Music Modernization Act passed, many in the industry were concerned about what impact the legislation might have on the creative sector of the music business. Now, some fear. Continue reading
Music Think Tank Weekly Recap: Resources • Music Career • Inspiration • More
This week on MusicThinkTank, contributors shared five innovative resources for bands in a band, weighed in on whether music could actually be a good career choice, looked at the ways. Continue reading
Using Facebook For Event Marketing
Before it's demise as social networking tool, Myspace provided a conduit between fan and musician that had never been seen before. In this piece we look at Facebook, and more. Continue reading
Revelator Raises $2.5M To Expand Digital Music Business Platform
Revelator's mission is as simple as it is important: build the first open business platform for distributing, selling, licensing and collecting revenue for music online. Today, the the company announced it. Continue reading
Creativity in Constraint: Exploiting the Boundaries
On July 11, 2013, Stanford University’s Center for the Advanced Study of Behavioral Sciences held its 2nd annual Behavior Science Summit that examined the state of behavioral science and its. Continue reading
Alternative Entrepreneurship
People in the music industry and DIY musicians are entrepreneurs. They must build their own business or fan base. Being an entrepreneur has its benefits, but can be risky. There. Continue reading
On Innovation, Flying Deloreans & Explosions In The Desert
On Music Think Tank, David Greenberg writes about innovation and Malcolm Gladwell’s New Yorker article “Creation Myth – Xerox PARC, Apple, and the truth about innovation”. Innovation is hard especially. Continue reading