A guide for influencer marketing for musicians
Learn how to utilize influencer marketing to grow and expand your music career. A guest post from DITTO MUSIC. Influencer marketing is one of the biggest trending hypes that independent. Continue reading

Independent artists’ guide to influencer marketing
Whatever platform you may be using, adopting an influencer marketing strategy can be a highly effective way to expand the reach of your music and connect with fans. Guest post. Continue reading
Guide To Harnessing Influencer Marketing In The Music Business
While the internet has made it easier to create and distribute music, this same phenomenon has also led to oversaturation. Although more commonly thought of as a tool for the. Continue reading
3 Tips For Increasing Fan Engagement On Social Media
Finding both the necessary hours and the right strategy for growing an online fanbase is a massive challenge for all bands and artists, but one of the best places to. Continue reading
How To Guide To Advertising Music On Instagram
Instagram has become one of the best ways to promote your personal brand as a musician, but the platform's complexities necessitate a fair amount of finesse on the part of. Continue reading
Facebook Video Profiles For Musicians Plus Instant Social Videos
In this piece we look at TAD, an app which has helped artists to create album cover art, and has since been expanding into giving artists the opportunity to create. Continue reading