What Indie Artists Can Learn From A Classical Conductor
While indie and classical music are often thought to occupy different corners of the music world, certain principles and practices are universal when it comes to putting on a good. Continue reading
4 Crowdfunding Alternatives To PledgeMusic for Musicians
The demise of PledgeMusic left many musicians doubting the legitimacy of crowdfunding. But the music marketing experts that we've interviewed still strongly still believe in music crowdfunding even as they. Continue reading
The Musician’s Guide to Pandora Promotion
While Spotify deserves kudos for its free Artist toolkit, no music service has provided more opportunities for artists to connect with fans than Pandora. Pandora AMP (Artist Marketing Platform) is. Continue reading
Thriving After 15 Years: 6 Keys To Independent Music Success
Success as a DIY artist has never been easy, and for most, their rags to riches story comes down a little heavier on the rags. Still, as artist Yael Meyer. Continue reading