make money selling vinyl records

Make Money on Vinyl record sales: How to recoup your investment

Wondering if pressing vinyl is worth the investment? Learn how much you can make back from pressing and selling your records directly to fans, plus key insights on profit margins and sales strategies.

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independent musician news

DIY & Independent Musician News Last Week

Last week in DIY & independent musician news, our indie readers tuned into topics like a new affordable SoundCloud subscription, Holiday selfcare, starting a band, the importance of metadata, and more…

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new Twitch DJ program

How Digital DJ Pools Benefit Musicians: Insights & Tips [Brian Hazard]

Learn how Digital DJ Pools help artists get their tracks to DJs worldwide before release day. Brian Hazard shares his experience, insights, and tips to maximize this platform’s potential.

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public YouTube audience stat

Indie Spotlight: Grow your YouTube channel with BuzzMyVideos

BuzzMyVideos is a London-based tech company founded by Ex Google/YouTube Managers. Their tech solutions and YouTube-certified team help you grow on YouTube seamlessly. from A2IM About BuzzMyVideosThe founders of BuzzMyVideos. Continue reading

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5 Reasons musicians shouldn’t worry about AI (YET)

AI (Artificial Intelligence) is a tool that should be explored and used rather than feared, according to the founder of GearAficionado, and not be seen as competition by musicians, at. Continue reading

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5 Home Studio accessories every indie artist should have

You may have all the mics, cables, and speakers you need, but these five tools could take your at-home recording studio to the next level. by Aaron Trumm of SoundFly. Continue reading

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8 things every indie musician should have with them at all times

As a scrappy do-it-yourselfer in a tough industry, there are certain essentials you keep on your person at all times, for any occasion when you’re struck by inspiration or have. Continue reading

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How To Prepare To Release New Music [Ariel Hyatt]

Many artists spend so much time and energy writing and recording their music, that they almost ignore the essential steps needed to prepare for and launch its release. Veteran music. Continue reading

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How to Make A Living As A Full Time Musician

The goal of most musicians is simply to earn a living doing what they love. But in this DIY, D2F, streaming and social media era, that goal can seem both. Continue reading

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Protect Your Online Brand By Posting A Perfect Press Kit

Your brand is your calling card, but most artists and entrepreneurs fail at one of the cornerstones of building and protecting their online brand. Ariel and her team CyberPR offer 5. Continue reading

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