Musicians Introduce Us To Their Cities: Nashville, TN
In this article a Nashville dweller shares some of her insights on the best locations in the eastern part of Music City, from a series of unique and charming venues to. Continue reading
UK Vinyl Buyers Different From Those In The US
Although vinyl's new popularity boom spans overseas to the UK, the demographic of vinyl consumers there is significantly different, with UK listeners averaging much older than those in the US, although there. Continue reading
5 (Mostly Free) Things To Give Away at Your Next Gig To Turn Attendees Into Fans
Everybody enjoys free stuff, but many artists just starting out can't afford to chuck expensive items like t-shirts and vinyls into the crowd without any kind of compensation. Still, giving things. Continue reading
Warner Music No Longer Selling To Small Record Stores
As if they didn't already have it bad enough, mom and pop music shops have been dealt yet another blow with the news that Warner Music will no longer allow. Continue reading
Can Tokens Usher In A New Era of Price Flexibility for Artists?
Could bitcoin and tokens be way for artists to better control the sales of their work? In this piece, Adam Levine, Founder & CEO at Tokenly, explains that embracing new. Continue reading
Music Streamers Still Buy Music Says Study
Streaming is sometimes thought of as replacing any need to buy music, but a recent study from the British Phonograph Industry suggests that streaming my actually be motivating consumers to purchase. Continue reading
A Brief History Of Vinyl Music’s Unlikely Comeback [INFOGRAPHIC]
Vinyl records alone won't "Save The Music Industry." But as the ownership of physical music fades and is replaced by streaming, buying vinyl as a souvenir, as well as for. Continue reading