Preparing For A Live (Or Live Streaming) Show
When live shows do finally return, the time we’ve spent out of venues could leave performers and audience members alike a little rusty when it comes to performing and attending. Continue reading

Safety Guidelines For Returning To Gigging In The Coronavirus New Normal
With cases still spiking across the US, and no vaccine currently available, the live music industry is unlikely to return in any capacity for awhile. That said, shows will still. Continue reading

5 Methods For Organizing A Socially-Distant Concert
While things like restaurants and beaches are beginning to slowly reopen in parts of the country, venues will remain shut for the foreseeable future. To compensate for this, now is. Continue reading

Can You Perform Shows Safely During COVID-19?
Like it or not, parts of the United States are beginning to reopen, meaning opportunities for live gigs are once again beginning to crop up. As exciting as this may. Continue reading

3 Things To Never Talk About On Stage or Your Live Stream
Authenticity and inhibition are often hallmarks of a great performer, but even when showing your ‘true self’ there are some things its better to leave out of your stage banter.. Continue reading

5 Key Elements For Setting Up Your Own Stage For A Gig
Assuming you want your show to go well, having a properly set up stage is essential. Failure to do so can often lead to devastating (and oh-so preventable) mishaps. In. Continue reading

Be Ready For Differences In On-Stage Sound At Bigger Venues
When your performance career starts to take off, there are a number of adjustments you’ll need to make, including adapting to playing larger venues. Here we look at how to. Continue reading

Gig Quote Calculator For Bands, Artists
When working as an independent musician, there will inevitably be a good amount of tedious grunt work to do other than performing music. While we can’t get rid of all. Continue reading
How To Book Your Band’s First Show
After posting advice on not acting like an amateur band, Simon Tam follows up with a post on booking your first show. If this is your first gig, check out. Continue reading
How Flexible Pricing Can Help You Sell More Merch
Musicians sell merch at concerts, but at what price? Chris Robley thinks that the value of your merch changes from gig to gig. Performing live is about creating moments on. Continue reading