6 Ways For Musicians To Earn Money At Home During COVID-19
Musicians’ careers have been especially heavily impacted by the pandemic. With live music one of the first to go, and likely among the last to return, artists are facing a. Continue reading
Concerts From The Closet: Amy Speace’s “Yes” to Motherhood + Music Making
When critically acclaimed singer/songwriter, Amy Speace, live streamed a Concert Window album preview from her walk-in closet to the fans who had just helped fund its release, it wasn’t because she couldn’t book another venue. It was because she is both a new mom, and a musician, and with a one year old asleep down the hallway, it was a way to say yes to both.
Help Fill The Void In Music Journalism: You Don’t Need Permission To Start Writing About Music
With the death of so many music magazines and sites, more voices are needed. Lauren Rearick jumps past practical instruction for starting a independent music blog, and walks through developing. Continue reading