How to finance a music career or business
Everyone knows the music industry is not best known for its financial stability, but the folks at Symphonic Blog have come out with a funding service that may help you. Continue reading

The Financialization Of Song: How to successfully invest in music
As the worlds of music and finance converge, there are a number of lessons the music industry stands to learn from finance, including how to invest in music. by Sasha. Continue reading

4 smart ways to invest in yourself as an independent musician
As a musician, there’s no better investment of your time and energy than you! Here, we look at four things you can do to properly invest in yourself as a. Continue reading

Nerve: the first neobank for musicians
Introducing Nerve, the first neobank created specifically for musicians, providing a tool to help them build stronger communities and cultivate more sustainable careers. Guest post from A2IM The music business. Continue reading

How to complete a DIY project without breaking the bank
With so many changes to the music economy, many would-be artists see so few opportunities for any kind of financial remuneration, they may be reluctant to invest in a career. Continue reading

What the $424M MLC royalty ‘black box’ means for musicians
In this article, Christ Castle breaks down the legal and financial implications of the MLC’s $424 million black box it recently received from digital service providers. Guest post by Chris. Continue reading

Battle For Ownership: Why musicians MUST control their intellectual property
Stephen Duval examines the long-running conflict between the creative and commercial sides of the music industry and details the importance of artists having a larger stake in how their intellectual. Continue reading

Music publishing royalty simulator reveals how much your songs can actually make
Curious how much you could really be making off of your music? For bands and artists tired of being in the dark when it comes to music publishing, this new. Continue reading

Spotify’s COVID-19 rocket fuel
New data (which may be unsurprising to many) reveals just how much the pandemic accelerated subscriber growth for Spotify over the past year. Guest post by Chris Castle of Music. Continue reading

7 Things Musicians Ought To Be Investing Money In
Like with running any small time business, being a musician full time means you need to be smart about where you sink your money. Here, we look at seven of. Continue reading