Why there’s confusion over sharing your music
Do you ever stumble over the task of sharing your music? Well you are not alone… A guest post by Bobby Owsinski of Music 3.0. When it comes to sharing. Continue reading
American Association Of Independent Music Turns 10
It's a great time to be indie; and its primary U.S. advocate, the American Association Of Independent Music, turns 10 tomorrow. A2IM can take more than a little credit for bringing. Continue reading
Tumblr Gets Tough On Music, Implements 3 Strikes Like Policy
Tumblr users publish more than 110 million posts daily (that's not a typo), and naturally some of them include music. But in recent days,Tumblr has been punishing users who publish. Continue reading
3 Predictions for the Over-Hyped Music Streaming Business
The music industry has drastically changed in recent years. We no longer live in a world where we anxiously wait outside of a record store to get a new album.. Continue reading
Radio Still Rules and Pirates Subscribe According To New Consumer Research
Last week MIDiA Consulting released a new report by Mark Mulligan regarding a UK consumer survey, "Decoding the Digital Music Consumer," that reveals only one digital activity in the top. Continue reading
Why Is Music Cheaper Now? It’s Supply & Demand.
Artists such as Sufjan Stevens think that selling albums for $3.99 is unfair, but Stevens does not recognize that the market has caused prices to fall. Brian Franke explains why. Continue reading