This FCC auction said a lot about the future of radio
Once the ultimate music industry tastemaker, radio’s ability to make or break an artist has diminished over time, as evidence by a recent FCC auction of radio stations, where many. Continue reading

FCC Demands Demands Payola Answers From UMG, Sony, BMG
Republican FCC Commissioner Mike O’Rielly has demanded that Sony, UMG and WMG answer new “pay to play” allegations that surfaced in an August 2019 Radio Ink report. O’Reilly wrote to Sony Music. Continue reading
FCC Asks RIAA To Invesitgate Payola (Again)
FCC Commissioner Mike O'Reilly has sent a letter to the RIAA asking it to investigate recent reports of payola – the practice of paying radio stations and other music services. Continue reading
REWIND: The New Music Industry’s Week In Review
In this cycle back through important music industry happenings which occurred over the holidays, we revisit how streaming faired in the fourth quarter, five important music biz predictions for the. Continue reading
FCC Suspends Operations, Copyright Office Remains Open As Government Shutdown Enters Day 13
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) will suspend most operations midday today, January 3rd, because of the partial government shutdown. The closure comes as the shutdown over border wall funding enters. Continue reading
FCC To Suspend Operations Due To Government Shutdown, Copyright Office To Stay Open
UPDATED: The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) will suspend most operations on Thursday, January 3rd. The suspension announcement comes as the US government shutdown over the funding of a border wall. Continue reading
Washington State Laughs In The Face Of FCC Attempt To Prevent States From Protecting Net Neutrality
Although the FCC recently repealed net neutrality on a national level, states are taking matters into the own hands, and while incumbent ISPs and the FCC are doing their best. Continue reading
Net Neutrality’s Death Official In April (Cue Lawsuits)
Although net neutrality was sentenced to death some time ago last year, the actual repeal itself won't be going into effect until April, at which time a slew of lawsuits. Continue reading
Net Neutrality Repeal Challenged By 24 States
The FCC's 284-page net neutrality repeal ruling was published in the Federal Register Thursday, prompting objections from 24 state attorney generals. A consortium of tech companies has also promised legal. Continue reading