Want to make money with music but have no fans? NO PROBLEM!
Although cultivating a devoted audience is often thought of as the main way to earn money through music, there are actually several lucrative revenue streams that don’t require you to. Continue reading
How to win fans without irritating them [VIDEO]
Every band and artists wants to expand their fanbase and grow their listenership, but in doing so, often risk alienating their pre-existing audience by posting obnoxious content. Here, we look. Continue reading
Building Community Inside Your Fan Base
In this piece, Angela Mastrogiacomo delves into the importance of creating community within a fanbase, and how to go about building a space for your fans, creating commonality, and showing. Continue reading
7 Ways To Promote Your Music And Grow Your Fanbase
In the modern music industry, being talented and unique isn't enough to help you stand out from the crowd of other artists, and gaining the kind of recognition you want. Continue reading
Why Your Fans Won’t Come to Your Shows…
75% or more of your fan base won’t make it to a show on your next tour. There are various factors that can keep your fans from attending your next. Continue reading
7 Ways To Double Size Of Your Fan Base
Very few bands grow at an incremental rate during their whole career. So what causes those leaps where a band grows exponentially over a short period of time? On Music. Continue reading
6 Key Tactics For Organic Success On Youtube From Hip-Hop Artist Rob Scott
YouTube can be a powerful tool that musicians use for promotion and exposure if it’s used well. However, for independent artists, it can be hard to garner a following and. Continue reading
How To Dominate A Market In 12 Weeks
Do you still post flyers around town to promote your shows and music? For new bands and groups looking to expand their fanbase, there can still be benefits to flyering. Continue reading