Failure is an inevitable part of your music career – here’s why
In an industry as challenging as the music business, failure is something of an inevitability, but how we choose to deal with it can effect whether it is more of. Continue reading

The ‘F’ Word: How Success Is Built Atop Failure [Video]
For any band or artist, some amount of failure is baked into your journey to musical success, but how you process and learn from these mistakes and pitfalls will dramatically. Continue reading

Tip Jar: Failure Is Integral To Optimization Process
In this piece, Chris Nardone warns against trying to avoid failure, and offers some advice on how artists can learn to accept the struggle and work to control only that. Continue reading

Understanding Success In Music Through The Failure Of Others
While most artists look to those who have succeeded for advice and inspiration in navigating the music business, they might be better served learning from the mistakes and failures of. Continue reading
Why Most Indie Music Groups & Labels Fail
Why do groups, labels, and production teams fall apart? Many people have potential for greatness, but their egos hinder them. There are more reasons and Glenn Macrae has created a. Continue reading
Why So Many New Music Services Fail
Guest post by Neil Cartwright, Managing Director, Million Media. I've spent ten years licensing new music services and yet there are still only 3 music services acheiving discernable success: iTunes,. Continue reading
Musicians: Don’t Let Your Past Dictate Your Future
On Music Think Tank, Brian Thompson talks about something many people have to deal with – failure. In the music industry, artists have to face a lot of rejection, but. Continue reading