5 Types of Music Publicists That Indie Artists Should Avoid
By Laura Goldfarb on Sonicbids Blog It's time for me to come clean – at one point or another in my career, I've been guilty of being all of the types of publicists below, and as. Continue reading
How Facebook’s Changes In Paid Advertising Will Affect Your Marketing Efforts
Facebook executives drew a line in the proverbial sand on Friday when they announced their plans to restructure the way posts placed by brands appear in newsfeeds. As if it. Continue reading
Can’t Buy Me “Likes”
Agree or disagree – if a promoter looks at a Facebook page when considering artists to book for their venues, the artist with thousands of fan likes is probably going. Continue reading
7 Major Facebook Changes That Will Affect Your Music Marketing
For many of us, Facebook has become an awkward, disappointing platform that we still have to use if we want to get the word out to friends and fans about. Continue reading
Facebook’s New Band Page Insights Can Tell You If You’re Reaching Your Fans
Over the summer Facebook has been working on new Page Insights, the analytics dashboard for your Band Page on Facebook, and they're finally making it available to all users. There. Continue reading
PledgeMusic To Launch Vinyl Vault Featuring Re-issues and Previously Unreleased Music
Some big news for vinyl lovers is coming from PledgeMusic. But there seems to be a bit of a delay so I've gathered up everything I can about the upcoming. Continue reading
Best Music Writing Series Raises $17K On Kickstarter Then Pulls A Disappearing Act [Updated]
Da Capo's Best American Music Writing series ended in 2011. But the support to keep it going was so strong that editor Daphne Carr founded Feedback Press to continue the. Continue reading
Music Marketing Meets Story Bumping On Facebook’s New News Feed
Last week Facebook took a big step forward with a press conference detailing specific changes in how posts appear in the central stream of updates called the News Feed. However. Continue reading