Music Business Association Launches Music Tech Startup Network
The trade group formerly known as NARM, is launching resources and a network to help music tech startups. It is the first product that the Music Business Association (Music Biz) has. Continue reading
49 Female Music Entrepreneurs Share Their Best Advice (Part 2)
Every musician fights their own unique battles on the road to a successful career. We all have family members, friends, role models and other professionals we've looked up to, been. Continue reading
How To Succeed In The Music Industry On Your Terms
Every success comes with sacrifice and to every person those two things look different. You must decide what defines success for you personally and how hard you're willing to work. Continue reading
7 Ways to Avoid The Psychological Hazards Of Music Entrepreneurship
Building a career in music is often much more about becoming an entrepreneur than getting a job. And like entrepreneurs in other fields musicians face many emotional ups and downs. Continue reading
What Can A Musician Learn From Chipotle?
Chipotle may seem like a bit of a stretch as a source of music industry knowledge but Joy Ike, a musician and creator of the excellent Grassrootsy music marketing blog,. Continue reading
5 Music Business Tips From Female Entrepreneurs
After appearing as the only woman in "30 Pieces of Advice From Music Industry Entrepreneurs," Ariel Hyatt decided to forefront women in the industry with "51 Female Music Entrepreneurs Share. Continue reading
MusicThinkTank Weekly Recap: Twitter #Music Is a Dud & More
Where The Music Industry Thinks Out Loud Jon Ostrow: Twitter #Music Is a Dud… But Twitter is Still Critical To Your Marketing Mark Doyon: Think of Your Music. Continue reading
Michael Robertson Launches UberStations, Takes On TuneIn
Digital music serial entrepreneur Michael Roberston today launched UberStations. Robertson previous projects included and MP3Tunes, as well as the still active, a DVR for radio. UberStations monitors thousands of. Continue reading Weekly Recap: How the Digital Music Revolution is re-shaping Album Artwork & More
Where The Music Industry Thinks Out Loud David Roberts:Local Networking for Musicians Tommy Darker: The Rise of the Musicpreneur (Part 2/3) Mark Roberts: How the Digital Music Revolution is re-shaping. Continue reading
The Rise of the Musicpreneur (Part 2/3)
Earlier, Tommy Darker wrote part 1 of the rise of the musicpreneur which covered the business and online assets a musician should have. He follows up with part 2 on. Continue reading