How Many Email Subscribers A Musician Really Needs
In an age where we’re constantly bombarded by an endless deluge of content, email newsletters have remained one of an artist’s best tools for sustaining a following of fans. Here. Continue reading
6 Artist Newsletter Tips To Keep Fans Connected With Your Music
While your fans are obviously enthusiastic about your music, keeping them in the loop about what you’re working on can be difficult. Posting on social media can certainly help, but. Continue reading
5 Email Marketing Metrics You Need To Be Aware Of
Email newsletters might seem antiquated to some, but they continue to have incredible value, particularly when it comes to reaching interested fans. Whether you're just starting out with email newsletters,. Continue reading
How To Increase Email Open Rates: 4 Tips
Email marketing is a key component of developing an artist's brand and cultivating a dedicated following, but for it to work, you need find a way to ensure your fans. Continue reading
Step By Step Guide: 4 Eventbrite Email Templates For Driving Attendance
In the current marketing climate, someone can easily unsubscribe from your mailing list at the drop of a hat, so rather than risk alienating potential show attendees with banal, generic. Continue reading
5 Free Online Event Invitation Ideas
So you've crafted the perfect subject line for your upcoming show or festival, but for some reason people still aren't clicking through to your event site. What's the issue? There's. Continue reading
Guide To Creating A Successful Artist Email Newsletter
There are a number of factors that go in to crafting the perfect email newsletter, form making the title engaging enough to catch a reader's attention to making sure the. Continue reading
3 Ways A Mailing List Can Turn Out Fans To Your Show
Getting people to actually show up at your show can be exhausting, and if you've been at the DIY artist thing for awhile, chances are you've given most attendance tactics. Continue reading
Make The Most Of Social Media Marketing Using Email And Instagram
It's important to stay ahead of your competitors and Instagram and email are the two best platforms to make that happen. Pete Campbell breaks down the best strategy for Instagram. Continue reading
Adding Value To Your Email List
As an artist, it can be difficult to keep up with social media algorithms, and to effectively game the system enough to make social channels an effective promotional tool. Luckily,. Continue reading