Musician’s Guide: How To Write The Perfect Welcome Email, Why It Matters
The welcome email which gets sent out to a newly subscribed fan is one of the most frequently opened which you will ever send, meaning that getting it right on. Continue reading
5 Tips For Building A Robust Email List
As an artist or musician, a robust email list is one of the most important marketing tools you can have. But if it's something that you're just starting to build,. Continue reading
How To Write An Email Newsletter Your Fans Will Love
Although they’ve been around for quite some time now, email newsletters remain one of the most effective ways of getting in touch with your fans, particularly if the content is. Continue reading
What To Send To Your Fan Email List [Dave Kusek]
An email list isn’t worth much if you never use it. In fact, an email list isn’t worth much if you only use it every now and then. It is. Continue reading
A Musician’s Guide To MailChimp
MailChimp is one of the more popular options for musicians' email newsletters. It has a free tier and offers a wide range of tools and features for the pro music. Continue reading
Are Gmail Tabs Undermining Your Music Marketing?
Gmail Tabs have been slowly rolling out to users over the last few months. There's been great concern among folks using email for marketing about what the effects of having. Continue reading
4 Tips For Music Marketing With Email Newsletters
As musicians and music marketers build their lists of consenting recipients, from fans to friendly contacts, a number of approaches are taken. Some simply contact their list with special announcements.. Continue reading Weekly Recap: Bob Baker, Jon Ostrow, The Cyber PR Interview Series & More
Where The Music Industry Thinks Out Loud Bob Baker: A Hypnotic Way to Get Fans to Open Your Emails Jon Ostrow: 3 Ways to Convert Facebook Engagement from a. Continue reading