2 email automations that actually work for marketing music
For independent artists, you can’t beat email marketing, and when it comes to getting the most out of your email list, these two automations can have a huge impact. Guest. Continue reading
Getting It Done: The Week In D.I.Y. & Indie Music
Our tips and advice for the industry's independent self-starters out there this week covered how you can use your mailing list to actually get people to your show, how to. Continue reading
Musician’s Guide To Growing A Massive Email List
As old school as it may sound, email is still the most effective and consistent way to communicate with and monetize your fans. Here, Ariel Hyatt and the CyberPR offer. Continue reading
What To Send To Your Fan Email List [Dave Kusek]
An email list isn’t worth much if you never use it. In fact, an email list isn’t worth much if you only use it every now and then. It is. Continue reading
Grow Your Email List With YouTube Playlist Introductions
From the FanBridge Blog, part of the Fan Marketing Institute. For weekly lessons like this via email sign up here. Do you have a YouTube channel? Are you looking to. Continue reading
MTT Weekly Recap: “Your Website Should Not Be A Blog” & More
Where The Music Industry Thinks Out Loud Kellan Drumgoole: Bandzoogle: “Your website should not be a blog” Ariel Hyatt: 5 Critical Things To Add To Your Monthly Newsletter Jeremy Belcher:. Continue reading
Exactly How NOT To Use An Email List
There are effective ways to use your email list and then there is spam. On Music Think Tank, Jeremy Belcher shares an example of how NOT to use an email. Continue reading
12 Great Ways To Increase Your Fan Base In 2012 [ARIEL HYATT]
Musicians are almost always looking to expose their music to more people and increase their fan base. On Music Think Tank, Ariel Hyatt has 12 ways to increase and engage. Continue reading
MTT Weekly Recap: Google+ is for People, Not Bands
Where The Music Industry Thinks Out Loud Ariel Hyatt: Musician's Arsenal: Killer Apps, Tools & Sites – Onesheet Jason Parker: Google+ is for PEOPLE, Not Bands Brian Franke: Why No. Continue reading