5 Tips For Building A Robust Email List
As an artist or musician, a robust email list is one of the most important marketing tools you can have. But if it's something that you're just starting to build,. Continue reading
5 Tips For Email List Building
While it takes a good amount of work to populate, building an email list is one of the best things a band or artist can do when it comes to promoting themselves. Continue reading
4 Methods For Improving Your Email Conversion Signup Conversion Rate
Getting fans to sign up for your email list requires more than simply dropping a signup form on your website. Although it's certainly a critical step, there's much more artists. Continue reading
How To Write An Email Newsletter Your Fans Will Love
Although they’ve been around for quite some time now, email newsletters remain one of the most effective ways of getting in touch with your fans, particularly if the content is. Continue reading
3 Tips For Optimizing Your Music Ads On Facebook
By Danny Chang from the The Daily Rind. It is evident that native advertisements on Facebook are becoming an integral part of the user experience. Nevertheless, with Facebook rolling out. Continue reading