Mark Mulligan On Why Artists More Empowered Than Ever
Here MiDIA principle Mark Mulligan shares his future vision of the music industry, suggesting that, while artists may have to adapt to some fundamental economic shifts, they will emerge more. Continue reading
The Problems Musicians Face and How To Solve Them, Pt. 7
Written by Tommy Darker, originally published in The Musicpreneur. Travelling the world and chatting with fellow aspiring artists reveals astounding insights about the future of music. Here’s the deal: we. Continue reading
Solving The Problem of New Music & Artist Discovery
In David Sherbow’s opinion, record companies and independent musicians must cultivate and create a single new digital marketplace. The record companies and musicians need to work together to develop one. Continue reading
MTT Weekly Recap: What are the odds of succeeding WITH a record deal?
Where The Music Industry Thinks Out Loud Michael Brandvold: Make That Five Tips for Your Domain Robin Davey: What are the odds of succeeding WITH a record deal? Bas Grasmayer:. Continue reading
Marketing Music Through Non-Linear Communication: The Ecosystem Of Fans, Artist & Label
On Music Think Tank, Bas Grasmayer has posted a follow-up to his article that was posted in March where he introduced his thesis’ main theory of the ecosystem of fans.. Continue reading