Disc Makers Offers FREE Shipping On CD Orders
Doing their part to help musicians during the pandemic, Disc Makers is offering free ground shipping on CD, DVD, and other optical discs orders of 100 or more through the. Continue reading
New Survey Says Millennials Pay For Streaming Services And Use Pirate Streams When Content Isn’t Legally Available
In a further sign of change coming to the music industry, a new survey has revealed that millennials, and those younger, while willing and happy to pay for streaming services, are. Continue reading
Why I Chose Patreon [BRIAN HAZARD]
After pronouncing music sales dead, Brian Hazard here goes on to explain why, of the limited options left to musicians, Patreon is his choice for earning a sustainable living as. Continue reading
4 Tips For Getting The Most Out Of Your Next Concert
Being able to see the bands and artists you love most in concert can be an amazing experience, but the nature of live music events is such that they can. Continue reading
UK Vinyl Buyers Different From Those In The US
Although vinyl's new popularity boom spans overseas to the UK, the demographic of vinyl consumers there is significantly different, with UK listeners averaging much older than those in the US, although there. Continue reading
Tell Us Your Favorite Music Industry Story And Win DVD Of HBO’s Vinyl
HBO may have cancelled music industry drama "Vinyl," but we've got 4 DVDs of its one and only season to give away. Just tell us your favorite true story about. Continue reading
Music Streamers Still Buy Music Says Study
Streaming is sometimes thought of as replacing any need to buy music, but a recent study from the British Phonograph Industry suggests that streaming my actually be motivating consumers to purchase. Continue reading
Deadlines For Record Store Day 2016
Record Store Day is arguably the most important day on the indie music calendar. Participation is a part of many music marketing plans; and the deadlines and dues dates have just been announced. Here. Continue reading